The planning application for the Blandford Hill wind farm has been refused. Here are the details:


NDDC Planning Committee on 17 March 2015

Application No: 2/2014/0768/PAEIA Date Registered: 11 July 2014

Location of Development: Land At E 385111 N 100255, A354 – Blandford Hill, Winterborne Whitechurch To Thornicombe Hill, Winterborne Whitechurch, Dorset,

Description of Development: Install 4 No. wind turbines (with a maximum height from existing ground level to blade tip of 125 metres). Construct permanent ancillary development comprising site access tracks, permanent crane hardstanding areas and external switchgear buildings for each turbine, 1 No. substation, and underground onsite electrical cabling. Form temporary construction compound and laydown area, and temporary secondary crane hardstanding areas for each turbine.

For further information see Dorset for You and NDDC Planning online

The Parish Council’s letter to NNPC can be found here.