Be a Parish Councillor

Winterborne Whitechurch Parish Council has 2 Parish Councillors vacancies.

Expressions of interest are welcomed from anyone who is over 18 years old. As a councillor representing your community you will help keep it a great place to live and work.

You will be supported in your role and will be expected to undertake training. You should be comfortable working electronically, have a positive outlook and a can-do attitude and be willing to work as part of a team.

If you are interested in applying, in the first instance please contact Rob Turley the Parish Council Clerk on 01258 880600 or email to

The Parish Council currently meets in the evening on the second Wednesday of every month except August and December. Due to Covid -19, meetings are held virtually via Zoom until further notice.

If you care about your community and would like to help make a real difference then why not Become a Parish Councillor!

Speedwatch – Please join us

We are currently recruiting for volunteers – we are a small and friendly team who spend an hour at a time on the roads of Winterborne Whitechurch with a speed tracking device. We record the speed of cars passing through the village which are 20% or more above the speed limit, then pass this information to the police. This is then used by the police to contact the drivers.

We have recorded speeds of 56mph in our 30mph zones.

Occasionally we are joined by Dorset Police on the roadside (“Truecam”) who not only contact the drivers but also issue points and fines.

We really want to keep this scheme going as it is a high visibility reminder that we care about the speeding issue in our village, but in order to do so we need volunteers.

Please contact the Clerk for more information.

Winterborne Whitechurch Play Park Now Open

Good news, after a successful inspection the park has been opened. It has been deep cleaned but please follow the advice on the signs around the park.

Park Still Closed

As we celebrate the pub opening and other restrictions being lifted, please bare with us as we are not yet allowed to open the play park. We will do so as soon as we are allowed to, however until that time we appreciate your patience.

Facebook Group Now Live

We now have a Facebook group to allow the community to more freely communicate with Winterborne Whitechurch Parish Council. It can be found here:

Although this is a public group it is also moderated. We are not responsible for people’s comments, but will remove anything offensive or not council related as soon as possible.

Corona Information

We currently have the following restrictions in place:

  • Playground is closed
  • Meetings are to be held over Zoom, details to be published here and on Facebook

We thank the local groups for supporting the village through this difficult time.

Temporary Road Closure A354

Public Notice Road Closure A354

Annual Audit 2017-18

Audit Notice of Public Rights Dates 2017-1820180615_16585773

Blandford Hill Wind Farm Application Refused

The planning application for the Blandford Hill wind farm has been refused. Here are the details:


NDDC Planning Committee on 17 March 2015

Application No: 2/2014/0768/PAEIA Date Registered: 11 July 2014

Location of Development: Land At E 385111 N 100255, A354 – Blandford Hill, Winterborne Whitechurch To Thornicombe Hill, Winterborne Whitechurch, Dorset,

Description of Development: Install 4 No. wind turbines (with a maximum height from existing ground level to blade tip of 125 metres). Construct permanent ancillary development comprising site access tracks, permanent crane hardstanding areas and external switchgear buildings for each turbine, 1 No. substation, and underground onsite electrical cabling. Form temporary construction compound and laydown area, and temporary secondary crane hardstanding areas for each turbine.

For further information see Dorset for You and NDDC Planning online

The Parish Council’s letter to NNPC can be found here.

Parish Council letter to NNDC re: wind farm

The Parish Council have written to North Dorset District Council about the Blandford Hill wind farm proposals.

You can read the letter here.

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