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WWPC Meeting 12th Jan 2022

Agenda 16th December 2021. WWPC Meeting 16.12.21

Co-Option Candidates

Co-option Candidate Application A HowardCo-option Candidate Application A Erkan Co-option Candidate Application S Pringle Co-option Canditate Application H Hakimzadeh Co-option Candidate Application J Turner Co-option Candidate Application R Trim

Casual Vacancies Winterborne Whitechurch Parish Council

Casual Vacancies Winterborne Whitechurch Parish Council,

The Clerk

The clerk is currently on sick leave and unable to respond to emails etc. for the next 2 to 3 weeks.

Update 14th Oct 2021

Casual Vacancy Notice_Cllr Gleaden


Due to the resignation of three parish councillors

Notices of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Casual Vacancy Notice_Res_EmmaParker

Casual Vacancy Notice_Res_ATurley

Casual Vacancy Notice_Res_SPringle

Winterborne Whitechurch Parish Council 21st September 2021

Statement by Proper Officer 21 09 21

27-04-2021 Brief Play Park Closure

Today, 27-04-2021 the Winterborne Whitechurch play park was closed for maintenance. It will be open again tomorrow. The chin up bars, netball post and chain-walk have been removed.

There is already a new notice that we were required to put up. The monkey bars will be replaced like-for-like and the chain-walk will be replaced with a play tractor for younger children.

Blandford Hill Eco Hub Proposal Discussion – March 10th 18:30 – Zoom

There will be a meeting, led by the Parish Council, regarding the proposed Cafe, Parking Area, Toilets and Charging station along with the Solar Farm before the next Council Meeting on Wednesday the 10th March 2021 at 18:30. This is (as all our meetings are) open to the public and will be held on Zoom due to current restrictions. Please contact the Clerk in advance to access this meeting.

It will be attended by your Councilors and Naturalis (who represent and (Vector Cuatro Group)).

Following the meeting the normal parish council meeting will commence which Naturalis will not attend which the public are also invited to.

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